[UbuntuWomen] www.ubuntu-women.org now points to our wiki

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 3 18:58:45 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

A couple years ago we embarked on a project to move our content over
to the wiki to grant greater access to content collaboration within
our team. For quite some time the only static page at all was the one
at ubuntu-women.org, all other content was on the wiki.

Melissa Draper designed a new theme which eventually turned into a
multiple contributor project and became our wiki theme as detailed in
our announcement in December:

We have now completed the final step: pointing ubuntu-women.org at
wiki.ubuntu-women.org as our primary site.

Text formally residing on the main page of ubuntu-women.org has been
updated and is now on the About page and as discussed at UDS we've
greatly simplified the main page description of the project.

Huge thanks to everyone who made this happen :)

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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