[UbuntuWomen] Sharing some exciting news: Open Source Award!

Flavia Weisghizzi flavia at weisghizzi.it
Thu Jul 26 08:47:58 UTC 2012

Greeeetttinggggs Lyz!

It's so exciting reading your success!

I believe that you really rock and you are so inspiring!

Thanks to share your happiness with us!



Il 21/07/2012 17:21, Elizabeth Krumbach ha scritto:
> Hi everyone,
> Since I always encourage others to share their success stories on
> list, I would be remiss if I didn't do the same :)
> Yesterday I accepted an O'Reilly Open Source Award at OSCON for my
> work in Ubuntu!
> Details and other winners here:
> http://www.oscon.com/oscon2012/public/schedule/detail/25039
> It was quite an honor, and Ubuntu Women held a special place for me
> when I accepted it. I had been using Ubuntu on my laptop for about a
> year before getting involved with Ubuntu Women in 2006, which was my
> first real exposure to the Ubuntu community. Over the years I've
> benefited from encouragement of my peers within this project at pretty
> much every step of the way, from becoming an Ubuntu Member to being
> nominated for a spot on the Ubuntu Community Council.
> So thanks to everyone here for helping foster an encouraging and
> supportive environment that has been so essential to my success, you
> all rock.

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