[UbuntuWomen] Intro

Rashmi Kujur er.rashmik at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 17:13:02 UTC 2012

I am right now, staying at home and preparing for civil service examination
that barely include any technical part.Sometime I flip over my old
algorithm books and try to solve problems.

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Amanda Babcock Furrow <alb at quandary.org>wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 08:12:01PM -0500, Jess wrote:
> > Anyway, I'm currently staying at home with my almost one year old, and
> > while I love taking care of the kiddo, the gentle art of domesticity,
> etc.,
> > I must sadly report that I feel the technical part of my brain slowly
> > turning to mush.
> I so know what you mean!  I'm typing this around a 1.5-year-old who just
> crawled into my lap for a nurse.
> > I've never been "involved" in the open source community
> > beyond using some of the software that it produces, but I might like to
> > change that, so that's why I signed up to this list! :)  I'd love to hear
> > what other SAHM's are doing to stay sharp while not working, too.
> I was a network engineer, dealing with customer routing requirements
> and programming Ciscos.  I've been stay-at-home for 7 years now, and I
> just started volunteering as a sysadmin for the Organization for
> Transformative
> Works.  Just having that bit of an identity other than "mom" is wonderful.
> It's unlike most free software projects, but more like Dreamwidth Studios,
> in that the environment is majority-female and, at least for the OTW but
> likely Dreamwidth as well, strongly fannish.  Both organizations use
> volunteer Ruby coders to build their backends.  I'd meant to volunteer
> as a coder but they needed sysadmins more!
> Amanda
> --
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