[UbuntuWomen] Month of Making prizes

Amber Graner akgraner at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 28 20:34:42 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Amber Graner <akgraner at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Linux New Media will give two (2) complimentary subscriptions of
>> Ubuntu User Magazine
>> (http://www.ubuntu-user.com/Magazine/About-Ubuntu-User).  Winners will
>> have the choice of either a digital or print subscription.  Once
>> winners are selected I'll contact them to get the information to set
>> up the subscriptions.  If we have a sponsor page let me know and I'll
>> get the Ubuntu User Logo for you to add to the page.
> Great! I just added the confirmed ebook prize to the wiki, please feel
> free to add the Ubuntu User offering too:
> http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/AdaLovelace

Will do  - thanks!
> --
> Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
> http://www.princessleia.com
> --
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Amber Graner//akgraner//

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