[UbuntuWomen] [Blueprint community-o-ubuntu-women-project-goals] Ubuntu Women UDS-O Goals
Amber Graner
akgraner at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 23:40:57 UTC 2011
Blueprint changed by Amber Graner:
Whiteboard changed:
Action items:
- [akgraner,nigelbabu] Review feedback emails above and start putting it into a framework/structure of our own: TODO
- [hypatia] do outreach to UW members with template like dholbach's: TODO
- [hypatia] outreach to other mentoring programs such as InfoSecMentors: TODO
- [hypatia] reach out to the railsbridge / pystar communities about HOWTO's for running "women and friends" type events: TODO
- [hypatia] look into building a curriculum (http://pystar.org/ and http://railsbridge.org/): TODO
+ [akgraner,nigelbabu] Review feedback emails above and start putting it into a framework/structure of our own: POSTPONED
+ [hypatia] do outreach to UW members with template like dholbach's: POSTPONED
+ [hypatia] outreach to other mentoring programs such as InfoSecMentors: POSTPONED
+ [hypatia] reach out to the railsbridge / pystar communities about HOWTO's for running "women and friends" type events: POSTPONED
+ [hypatia] look into building a curriculum (http://pystar.org/ and http://railsbridge.org/): POSTPONED
[lyz] Start creating "Best Practices" document at wiki.ubuntu-women.org/BestPractices for LoCo teams to help attract a more diverse crowd: DONE
[maco.m] Contact Jono in July when ready for election to handle condorcet voting: DONE
[lyz] Follow up with team for patches on the wiki: DONE
[lyz] Work with IS to get theme installed as Default: INPROGRESS
- [lyz] Officially change www to point to wiki: TODO
+ [lyz] Officially change www to point to wiki: POSTPNED
Ubuntu Women UDS-O Goals
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