[UbuntuWomen] Wiki theme improvements

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Thu Jun 23 21:32:19 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

In case you haven't happened by #ubuntu-women-project lately I wanted
to give you a heads up on the wiki theme improvements we're currently
working on.

There are several open bugs against our new MoinMoin theme:

We're working on the theme in a test instance I have up on a private
server (I'd rather not give the URL on list).

If you're a CSS guru who is familiar enough with a command line
interface to navigate a file system and edit a file and you would like
to help Mackenzie, Nigel and myself with these bugs, I can set you up
with an ssh account on the server and your very own copy of the theme
you can work with.

Don't worry if you've never worked on a wiki before, all your work
will be confined to your own wiki theme directory and it can be
restored to the pristine version at any point. I can also help with
handling the launchpad bugs if you're unfamiliar with how they work.
It would be great to see some newcomers contribute to this, so if
you're a web developer looking for a way to get involved this is a
great way :)

Contact me off-list if you're interested and we'll work to get you set
up: lyz at ubuntu.com or find me on IRC where my nickname is pleia2

For details on how to see and test the new wiki theme in our current
wiki at wiki.ubuntu-women.org see here:

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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