[UbuntuWomen] Free PyLadies t-shirts to women doing open-source today

Audrey Roy audreyr at pyladies.com
Sat Jun 18 17:54:29 UTC 2011

Hey everyone!

PyLadies is hosting a sprint similar to the PyCon sprints today, but
with a beginner-friendly twist.  We're trying to get as many women to
participate in open-source development today as possible.

If you contribute to an open-source project that uses Python in some
way (Ubuntu counts!), send us a link to your patch, docs, community
contribution, or whatever else you did.  Your patch doesn't have to be
accepted, just submitted.

Or write some code that uses Python in some way and put it up on
Github/Bitbucket/wherever.  Even if it's a beginner Python script that
you wrote for yourself.  Any open-source work is good.  Nothing is

You'll get a free PyLadies t-shirt and recognition on pyladies.com.

Join us in IRC channel #pyladies on FreeNode today.  There will be a
bunch of more experienced folks helping beginners and first-time
open-source contributors :)  See http://pyladies.com/chat/ for
instructions on how to connect.


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