[UbuntuWomen] Introduction

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 03:34:41 UTC 2011

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 4:16 AM, Bill Day <williamson.day at gmail.com> wrote:
> I joined this list after reading Jared Spurbecks' article about efforts to
> promote the involvement of women in Free Software.  http://yhoo.it/fgOc5H
> Since the list encourages introductions,  I am offering one.  My particular
> interest stems from the fact that I am not only an Ubuntu user (although not
> a programmer) but also the father of two little girls, 5 and 7, who are very
> interested in their computers.  Unfortunately, their early interest in
> Ubuntu has cooled a bit since they have discovered a) proprietary software
> offers more games, and b) many web-based sites for kids are heavily
> dependent on ActiveX, which is not available on Ubuntu.  So I am hoping to
> pick up some ideas on making Free Software more interesting to the girls, as
> well as giving back what I can.
> Cheers,
> Bill

Hi Bill -- have you installed Qimo for your girls? I had it running on
an old laptop down low where the little ones could play with it, and
it seemed a hit even for the almost-teen boy.


Also, KDEedu has some games and educational stuff that kids can
actually build for one another, like the language flashcards. Edubuntu
includes a lot of stuff they might like, as well.

Have fun,

Last.fm, Facebook, Twitter, Identica, LinkedIn, Delicious: valoriez

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