[UbuntuWomen] [x-post] Call for proposals -- PyCon 2011

Leigh Honeywell leigh at hypatia.ca
Fri Sep 24 03:01:22 UTC 2010

On 10-09-23 10:48 PM,  स्वक्ष  wrote:
> Call for proposals -- PyCon 2011 -- <http://us.pycon.org/2011/>
> ===============================================================
> Proposal Due date: November 1st, 2010

I spoke at PyCon this year and would like to really encourage anyone in
UW who's into Python to consider sending in a proposal, or just applying
for funding to attend.

I found the conference to be really welcoming, friendly and well-run;
the talks were great, and the venue (which is the same this year) was

If you've learned something about python that you didn't know a year
ago, consider doing a talk on that - someone else will surely want to
know what you've learned :)


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