[UbuntuWomen] Hi!

Flavia Weisghizzi flavia at weisghizzi.it
Fri May 21 09:06:35 UTC 2010

Nancy McKeand ha scritto:
> My name is Nancy McKeand.  My husband has been harassing me for a long 
> time now to get involved with Ubuntu Women.  I have always felt that I 
> don't really belong because I am a teacher, not a software 
> professional.  But I have been using Linux, primarily Ubuntu, for 7 or 
> 8 years now, so maybe there is a place for me here somewhere. 
> I am not good at these kinds of introductions,  as you can see! 
> I look forward to getting to know you and becoming involved in Ubuntu 
> Women.
> Nancy McKeand

Hi Nancy! Welcome! Don't worry about your skills! Ubuntu and open source 
world need not only developers but users, teachers, translators, 
writers, artists ecc too!
Don't be shy and think what could be your interest in Ubuntu... and... try!



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