[UbuntuWomen] Introduction: Contrary Mary

स्वक्ष vid at svaksha.com
Wed May 12 04:40:46 UTC 2010

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:03, Mary Mooney <memooney at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your message HTH.
> I will give it some thought.  I have never developed a wiki, contributed
> yes, started from scratch no.

Umm... not sure if I was clear earlier. The UW wiki already exists at
wiki.ubuntu-women.org and  by maintaining a page I meant "you'd
subscribe to the page you created/contributed to" which will send an
email when any changes are made to the page. This helps when you wish
to track if it was a genuine change or just spam. Does that help?

thanks and regards,
vid || http://svaksha.com

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