[UbuntuWomen] Passing the Torch - Thank You for an amazing 6 months!
Laura Czajkowski
laura at lczajkowski.com
Fri May 7 18:25:06 UTC 2010
On 07/05/10 15:46, Amber Graner wrote:
> Thanks everyone!!
> Time flys when you are having fun --and the Lucid cycle has flown by!
> The Ubuntu Women Project has taken on new energy and life in this last
> months and the progressive momentium of contributions and
> participation is something the whole team can be proud of.
> I have laughed, learned, languished, and even lamented over decisions,
> direction and dialogues surrounding role as the "appointed" Leader of
> the Ubuntu Women Project. While I understood the controversy and
> concern of those within the project and even the community, about it,
> it is my hope that I have added value to the project and have given
> the best I had to offer to the team when and where ever I could.
> Despite the rough start, and a few rocky moments as the Ubuntu Women
> Leader, I have enjoyed contributioning to the success of the team.
> Thank you!
> However, any successes I as a leader have shared in during the Lucid
> cycle, is a direct result of the determined, dedicated, and amazing
> team that not only supported me but stands as both the anchor and the
> sail of the Ubuntu Women Project. As a team you have challenged me,
> encouraged me, and caused honest introspection - and I have grown.
> Thank you!
> The leadership and contribution opportunites within the Ubuntu
> Community allow for personal and professional growth; also these
> opportunites allow for increases in techincal skill and ability beyond
> the desktop, but that's not all, these opportunities allow
> participants to be part of the bigger picture that extends and
> encompasses an exciting and rewarding adventure in the world of FOSS.
> Thank you!
> In a few short weeks my 6 month term as the appointed leader comes to
> an end. I will NOT seek one of the elected leadership positions.
> I'll remain an active member, but I am passing the torch so to speak.
> There are, as I have said before, many brillant, talented,
> knowledgeable and skilled women on the team and i am personally
> looking forward to supporting them as they have supported me. :-)
> Good Luck to all who seek to become the 1st elected Leadership
> Committee.
> This is a very diverse team, with many levels of experience and
> expertise. The Ubuntu Women Project is now covering almost all
> aspects of the community! With the various ubuntu governace boards
> and councils, factoring in the goals, and direction of the team -
> having 3 co-leaders to guide the team and support one another in that
> leadership role will be vital to being effective in all areas of the
> team. As side effect of co-leadership is also a preventative measure
> against burnout and volunteer vertigo.
> Take a look at the Elections process wiki [1] which I have updated
> based on the Feedback I recieved on the mailing list and in various
> IRC conversations as well as in person discussion with team members at
> various events. (The formal Call for elections will be sent under
> another email)
> Again, Good Luck!
> Thank you again!
> Amber
> [1] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/LeadershipElectionProcess
Thank you for taking on this role Amber, you've done a great job and had
a rocky start but it worked out well in the end!
The team has come a long way and we're working a lot better in lots of
roles now and have a larger presence within the community.
Skype: lauraczajkowski
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