[UbuntuWomen] UW Wiki translations, We need your Help!
oneidle at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 21:09:25 UTC 2010
Welcome Melissa,
Thanks so much for the intro it is great that you want to help out.
here is a link http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Translators please add your
name to the list.
I have also started a ToDo page for the French version with a list of
pages that need to translated. I know that the list is not complete but
I figure as we complete pages we can add more. This is the page
http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Fr/AFaire Feel free to copy it and use for
your language.
P.S. it is good to see that people are getting excited about this
translation project. Talk about it to your LoCo team and let's try and
get as many people involved in it as possible.
On Tue, 2010-03-30 at 17:04 -0300, Melissa Weber Mendonca wrote:
> Em Terça-feira 30 Março 2010, às 01:18:46, idleone escreveu:
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> > I don't think I ever introduced myself to the list. My name is John and
> > I have been a part of the ubuntu-women team for a short time. I am
> > mostly active in #ubuntu-women and #ubuntu-women-project.
> >
> > With the help and push on the back I needed from pleia2 and elky. I
> > decided to begin translating wiki.ubuntu-women.org to French so that the
> > project can better include non English speaking women and men to
> > contribute.
> >
> > I would like to invite you all to start translating the UW wiki into
> > your own native tongue and start spreading the word.
> >
> > Links to help you get started:
> > http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/
> > http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Translators
> > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide
> >
> > P.S. I am. Because you are!
> >
> > IdleOne
> This is indeed a great idea and I'll also "use" this thread to introduce
> myself, if I may...
> My name is Melissa, I'm from Brazil and I'm an applied mathematician. I just
> came back from Belgium where I was getting my PhD and now I'm back to the
> university where I did my undergrad and masters studies to try and be a
> teacher here. Right now I'm a post-doc.
> I've been using Linux for the past 10 years at least, I've used several
> distros (Slackware, Red Hat, Fedora, Mandrake, Contectiva, Mandriva,
> Suse/OpenSuse... you get the point) but I've been using Ubuntu since Hoary or
> Warty (never remember which came first) and I've been a lurker on this list
> for quite some time :) The main reason that I never contributed before is that
> the events always seem to be taking place so far away from me that I don't
> feel like I can contribute something to the discussion... Plus, since I've
> been studying like crazy the last 10 years of my life I'm just now starting to
> have the time to be able to really contribute regularly.
> I've been doing some Ubuntu translations into Brazilian Portuguese (not too
> many, I'm afraid) but your initiative seems excellent for us, since I know for
> a fact there are so many women who contribute to Ubuntu and Linux in general
> in Brazil and who do not necessarily speak good english. Besides, Brazil
> sorely lacks any kind of incentives for women to join tech/science related
> groups. Since Ubuntu is growing in popularity here, this would be great I
> think for us and for Ubuntu.
> So if I can, I'd like to join in on the translations for Brazilian Portuguese
> and try to maybe get more people to join the group :)
> Thanks and see you around,
> Melissa
> p.s. I'm sometimes on irc as melissawm, but it's really hard to catch someone
> alive on the channel at non-working hours at GMT-3 :(
John Chiazzese
In this concrete jungle we live. Our survival is love that we give.
Now my instinct is guiding my way. It’s true what they say.
The world is your chance to create.
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