[UbuntuWomen] "Op Class"

Isabell Long isabell121 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 16:31:46 UTC 2010

On 22 March 2010 16:23, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>>> Good idea! Let me touch base with those interested (anyone else?) and
>>> we'll schedule a time, probably next week.
>> This op class *totally* fell off my radar during my move an all the
>> travelling our members did last month!
>> I'd like to host this in #ubuntu-classroom
> Poll closed, there isn't as much overlap in availability as I had
> hoped but the logs will be helpful and I'll also be editing our op
> page after this class, I can also touch base individually.
> Anyway, final time will be:
> Wednesday, March 24, 2010 @ 00:00 UTC

Shame, I would have liked to help out.  Oh well, maybe another time.
I'll keep logs anyway.  :D

Isabell Long.  <isabell121 at gmail.com>
[[User:Isabell121]] on all public Wikimedia projects.
Freenode Community Co-Ordinator - issyl0 on irc.freenode.net
PGP Key ID: 0xEB83C2BD

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