[UbuntuWomen] International Women's Day Drawing

Jono Bacon jono at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 9 08:49:54 UTC 2010

On 03/08/2010 07:03 PM, Amber Graner wrote:
> Hi all!
> First I want to express I think that this initiative is an exciting
> and worthwhile one, and with any new initiative there are bound to be
> bumps in the road.  Today we had a bump in the road, but it is my hope
> that it will not detract from the awesomeness of the women who
> submitted their personal stories as examples, encouragement and
> inspiration to other women who use Ubuntu - again thank you.
> However, in light of the slight misunderstanding of the expectations
> surrounding the procedure for choosing the "random drawing" winner, I
> was keen to address the "randomness" of the drawing today as soon as
> possible.  I spoke with Jono this evening and he apologized for
> misunderstanding the request.  In light of that we will actually have
> 3 prize pack winners and will also be sending out a Linux Pro/Linux
> Mag (choice of one) to the honorable mention story.
> Jono will take the remaining story submissions and literally draw a
> name on his Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11am PST/ 2pm EST / 7pm UTC
> video cast on UStream.TV -
> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/at-home-with-jono-bacon
> I'll get the email with winners (as they are today) and link to
> stories out to the list within the hour  - I can't express my
> gratitude for everyone who contributed to the success of this 1st
> Annual Ubuntu Women Project  "How I discovered Ubuntu" International
> Women's Day Competition.  Also please offer some feedback on how we,
> as a team can make the competition better next year - thanks in
> advance!
> Thanks for your understanding as we work out the process kinks on our
> road to an annual event to honor Internal Women's Day and women around
> the globe who use Ubuntu.
> :-) Amber
Thanks for following up on this, Amber, and my apologies for the 
confusion, all! I got the wrong end of the stick when asked to 
participate, so I am eager to resolve this pull said winner out of said 
hat. :-)

My apologies for any concern to the entrants and organizers. I look 
forward to the drawing on Wed and hope to see you all there! :-)


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org
www.identi.ca/jonobacon www.twitter.com/jonobacon

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