[UbuntuWomen] March 2, 2010 - UW Project Meeting Notes and Logs from the March 02, 2010
Amber Graner
akgraner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 4 03:44:46 UTC 2010
Hi all!
The meeting yesterday, March 02, 2010 at 2100UTC in the new
ubuntu-women-project channel, was packed full of information, and
discussion as well as enthusiasm - It was great! Here are the
However we were still short people, So I am going to look at the week
of March 16, look at the Fridge and discard times that conflict or
cause UWP team meetings to be pushed for time or divide their focus -
I am sure there will be some interesting times that will appear but
I'd like to see if we can't set some predicable dates and times and
as a result of the meeting on Tuesday, more than one person expressed
that Tuesday's are one of the busiest Ubuntu Community Meeting Days.
I'll look at that tomorrow unless someone wants look into it before I
can and then we can go from there. Just let me know via the mailing
list, IRC or email that you are working on it or if you have a
question thanks in advance! :-)
CHANGES in AGENDA and LOG formats
The Agenda [1] looks a little different as formating the agenda with
the same commands that the mootbots use to save time typing
and/cutting and pasting. The Logs [2] have a new look thanks to the
efforts of AlanBell and Daviey and the UK LoCo team for developing
mootbot-UK and adding moinmoin enhancements to the output text so the
logs are available almost instantly after the meeting. Even though
they are just now making it to the mailing list, they were posted in
the IRC channels with 2 mins after end meeting, and was added to the
Ubuntu Women Meeting wiki [3] under past meetings with in hour. If
there is someone who wants to handle getting the wiki and everything
updated after the meetings let me know and I will send you the links
that mootbot-uk drops in after each meeting. Just let me know :-)
Thanks in advance.
The majority of the meeting focused on mentoring. So we need to clean
up the wiki's to reflect a revised program. We want to take advantage
of the mentors and those areas that are all ready in place and
encourage members to be visible as both mentors/mentees (those who are
being mentor) Pendulum volunteered to lead the clean up efforts of
our mentoring wikis [4] with the stipulations that she have input from
the team. Please take a look at the mentoring program wiki's and
contact Pendulum via the list or the UW project channels and she let
you know the next steps. Thanks Pendulum!
Since our Ubuntu Women website needs to reflect the information in our
wiki's - Pleia2 said she would transfer the updated information from
the wiki's to the website. When we get it all ironed out. Thanks
AlanBell took the time to create spreadsheets that reflect the current
ubuntu membership and what the percentage of Women are members. It is
a start. AlanBell has been maintaining this by himself, and
czajkowski volunteered to help him with it going forward. Though we
as a team will not be targeting Ubuntu membership directly, as this
will occur as the project increases the visibility of women within the
project, and attracts more women to the project as end users,
non-technical contributors and developers, through a series of
measurable goals for each cycle. (see the new items information on
the agenda - more information to the mailing list soon on these).
Thanks czajkowski!
We did not get to the New Items on the agenda yet, so I will send
those out as suggested Blueprint/goals for the -M cycle so we have
discussion on these before the nest meeting.
Also you will see an announcements sections on the agenda as well -
we had several - I'll send more info out on those items as well
shortly. If you have/or know of something that you feel we should
announce to the team add it to the wiki or email the list etc.
I am conscious of not letting these emails become books, but heads up
the closer we get to UDS and planning the for the -M cycle the
frequency and length of the emails increase :-)
Thanks everyone who was able to participate in the meeting, if you
weren't able to make it you were missed. Please take a moment provide
feedback and see if you can volunteer to help on mentoring project and
more. Thanks in advance!!
[1] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/20100302/Agenda
[2] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/20100302
[3] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings
[4] - http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UbuntuMembers
Amber Graner//akgraner//
Just me Amber.
There are lots of Linux users who don't care how the kernel works, but
only want to use it. That is a tribute to how good Linux is.
Linus Torvalds
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