[UbuntuWomen] Introduction

April Gonzales loonycookie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 16:15:52 UTC 2010

Good day everyone!

I'm April from Cebu City, Philippines. I first heard of Open Source software
while in university and was exposed to a bit of RedHat Linux for a few short
months. As for Ubuntu, I have been using it on and off for the past few
years, however, despite a rather long period of "getting to know" the
system, I still consider myself new to it.

With Ubuntu, one of the first things I realized was that there are a lot of
things to discover and learn about this system. It is, by far, one of the
best alternatives to some of the more widely-adapted operating systems
available today. I hope to learn about Ubuntu as much as I can and, also,
get as much out of it as possible. On another note, I have aspirations of
making some contribution, however small, to the further development of open
source software (preferably along the lines of my training, i.e., technical
writing/documentation), and I hope to be able to do more -- learn and
contribute -- through this community.

Membership to this mailing list is a rather exciting thing for me, as I know
only a handful of women who actually know of and use Ubuntu. With that, I
hope to learn with and from you guys here and, also, contribute to the
growth of this community.

Best Regards,
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