[UbuntuWomen] International Women's Day -- Competition!
Melissa Draper
melissa at meldraweb.com
Mon Jan 11 12:54:18 UTC 2010
We've been talking about this announcement on IRC, and Penelope raises
the point that we didn't make it possible for everyone to discuss and
help out with this.
Amber and I are to blame. We were predominantly being sensitive on
behalf of the potential sponsors, and trying to prevent early drafts of
the announcement being taken as fact. There's nothing worse than to
publicly suggest prizes and end up with no prizes to give!
We sincerely apologise for leaving you all out of the organising
It's not over yet though. There are still more things that need sorting
out! We are still without a way to allow everyone to review the stories
for the community choice prize. This needs to be accessible and fair --
preferably a way that doesn't unfairly benefit one entry over the other.
Does anyone have an idea of how we can do this?
We also need some way to present all these stories once they've been
collected and voted. The winners will be showcased, but *all* the
stories we are collecting will be published. What are your suggestions
for this?
Once again, we are sorry about the surprise and hope you'll forgive us.
Lets work on the other details now.
Melissa and Amber.
On Sun, 2010-01-10 at 15:32 +1100, Melissa Draper wrote:
> Greetings all!
> Firstly, some introductory reading for those who are not familiar with
> International Women's Day:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women%27s_Day and
> http://www.internationalwomensday.com/
> Ubuntu-Women has tried in the past to find some way to celebrate this
> event, but as far as I can remember it has never really amounted to much
> other than some chattering on IRC. So let us try a bit harder for 2010!
> We have all come to Ubuntu in our own special ways -- every single one
> of us differently to the next. Yet one of the most common questions we
> get asked is "How can I get $woman to use Ubuntu?".
> Obviously we cannot really answer that question, but we would dearly
> love to have a collection of stories by women about how they discovered
> Ubuntu. Such a repository would allow us to demonstrate that there's no
> one definitive answer, and at the same time maybe provide the gift of
> inspiration to women who are interested -- showing them that it's really
> not so unusual to be Ubuntu fans after all.
> We are not expecting any particular length, but do remember that these
> stories should be suited to perusal at leisure and not require someone
> to allocate hours of their day to read. Anywhere between a few
> paragraphs and a OO.o Write page is ideal.
> There will be two (2) prizes up for grabs. One (1) prize pack will be
> given to the story that the community votes is their favourite. One (1)
> prize pack will be given to a randomly drawn entrant. Jono Bacon, the
> Ubuntu Community Manager will be drawing this entrant in a videocast,
> and announcing both winners to the world on March 8th.
> Please email your stories to ubuntuwomen.competition at gmail.com by UTC
> 23:59 22nd February 2010.
> By submitting a story, you acknowledge that it will be posted on the
> Ubuntu Women website under the Creative Commons Attribution
> No-Derivatives [0] licence. If you prefer that your story be posted
> under a less restrictive licence such as Creative Commons Attribution
> [1] or Public Domain [2], then feel free to let us know when you submit.
> All stories are to be non-fiction and of a family-friendly nature. The
> organisers also reserve the right to interview prospective winners over
> the phone or other voice chat at their discretion.
> We will celebrate International Women's Day by announcing the winners,
> who will receive gift packs (which are still in negotiation -- we will
> announce when it is confirmed!).
> Good Luck!
> p.s: Please pass this along to *any* women you know who *use* Ubuntu --
> the more the merrier!
> [0] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/
> [1] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
> [2] http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain
> Melissa, Amber, Laura, Lyz and Mackenzie
> --
> Melissa Draper
> w: http://meldraweb.com & http://geekosophical.net
> p: +61 4 0472 2736
Melissa Draper
w: http://meldraweb.com & http://geekosophical.net
p: +61 4 0472 2736
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