[UbuntuWomen] Wiki proposal

Melissa Draper melissa at meldraweb.com
Sat Jan 2 07:20:05 UTC 2010


I'm working on an possible overhaul of the wiki to make things more
findable than the big long tl;dr list we have now.

If anyone would like to help, I'm poking mainly at
http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/NewHome which would act as a starting
point. The menu is http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/UWMenuHeader and is
included in pages with "<<Include(UWMenuHeader)>>". I've *not* put the
header on existing pages yet to avoid confusion.

http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Knowledgebase is new, and has the
"Resources" and "Guidelines" sections from the front page, with
redundant bits snipped out.

http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Projects is new, and has the "Projects" and
"Outreach" sections from the front page, with some shuffling.

http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Contacts is new, and has the contact
details for specific people within the team, such as irc, mailing list
and forums operators/administrators/moderators. Please put your contact
info here if it's appropriate to do so.

The rest should be linked directly from the menu. If I've missed
anything, then let me know or alternatively feel free to muck in and
improve on what I've done. 

Melissa Draper

w: http://meldraweb.com & http://geekosophical.net
p: +61 4 0472 2736

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