[UbuntuWomen] [Blueprint community-m-ubuntu-women-project-m-goals] Ubuntu Women UDS-M Goals

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Sun Aug 29 19:45:02 UTC 2010

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach
<lyz at princessleia.com> wrote:
> -  [lyz] Re: Ubuntu-Women.org - Identify content to be re-developed: TODO
> +  [lyz] Re: Ubuntu-Women.org - Identify content to be re-developed: DONE

The results of this can be found here:


As you can see I already added my name to the Mentoring pages (another
of my assignments for this cycle), If you wish to take redevelopment
of one of these pages on please add yourself to the list (just type
@SIG@ in the "I'll fix it!" part of the table, this will automatically
expand to your launchpad name and time&date when you save the page)
and then begin work. If you have any questions or have trouble editing
the wiki, please let us know (on list, on IRC or a direct email to me
are all fine!). If you want to contribute to content but aren't
comfortable editing the wiki also let us know, we'd be happy to either
walk you through wiki editing or just add your text ourselves.

We also need a new introduction blurb for ubuntu-women.org that
reflects the state of our project today (perhaps with updated stats
from our Membership Tracking).

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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