[UbuntuWomen] Linuxfest Northwest 2011

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Thu Aug 5 22:55:39 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Valorie Zimmerman
<valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com> wrote:
> While at OSCON, one of the kindly fellows from the LFNW booth came
> over to talk with me about speaking at LFNW, but ended up asking me to
> try to put together a track about women in Linux. I told him that
> sounded a bit dated, and how about a track about inclusiveness in
> general?

I love the idea of an inclusiveness track at LFNW and would delighted
to be a part of it.

While the Women in F/OSS thing certainly has been the core of my
crusade, over the years talking about this and writing presentations
I've come to realize that every inclusive thing we've worked to do to
get more women involved has helped others as well. Having day care
options at conferences? That's not just about women. Making
contributing more attractive to folks who haven't been programming
since they were 8? That's not just about women.

As such, I've shifted my presentations to be more generally about
inclusiveness and making projects friendly and welcoming to everyone
(in fact, to drive this point home, I shifted the title of one of my
talks /during the presentation itself/). And there are so many things
in this vein that could be brought up during such a track, I was
delighted to hear about Asheesh Laroia's session on "Debian for Shy
People"[0] at DebConf this year and I think such a session would be
valuable and well-received in an inclusiveness track.

[0] http://penta.debconf.org/dc10_schedule/events/620.en.html

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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