[UbuntuWomen] Jobs in open source at Dell

Mary Mooney memooney at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 06:06:50 UTC 2010

Europython has just finished in Birmingham (UK) and is scheduled for Italy
next year.  It might be worth your Dell friend going to the website,
europython.eu, and signing up for notification emails.

Europython is a gathering of python users from brand new to guru - and a few
are women.


Mary Mooney DEUK
+44 (0) 7914 079 026

"A well-developed sense of humour is the pole that adds balance to your
steps as you walk the tightrope of life.
William Arthur Ward"

Q:    What's tiny and yellow and very, very, dangerous?
A:    A canary with the super-user password.

On 5 August 2010 01:25, Belinda Lopez <belinda.lopez at canonical.com> wrote:

> I was at a conference yesterday and ended up next to a Dell
> representative.  She is very much trying to anyone with open source
> experience for various technical roles such as Sales engineers (helping
> to teach customers about open source), system engineers (helping to put
> Ubuntu/other on Dell hardware).  Anyone knowing anything about
> virtualization and cloud stuff would be a rock star at a number of
> companies these days.
> She is also very much trying to learn about places (conferences/events)
> where she can go to recruit people.  I was thinking the Grace
> Hopper/Anita Borg conference.  Does anyone have other places/events they
> recommend to hire the next generation of rock star open source
> knowledgeable employees?
> If anyone is interested in these opportunities, let me know and I'll
> forward her contact info.
> thanks,
> Belinda
> Training Project Manager
> Canonical
> belinda.lopez at canonical.com
> IRC: dinda
> Office: Galveston, Texas
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