[UbuntuWomen] Offering to mentor a women from u-w > Publishing ubuntuforums news in UWN

bapoumba bapoumba at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 29 12:32:59 UTC 2010

Hello !

After a long break from UWN and other ubuntuforums projects, namely
the Tutorial of the Week, I am back on tracks. Amber suggested we (I)
could mentor someone form u-w to publish ubuntuforums news in UWN.
Great idea :)

The following link will give you an idea of what I usually come up
with, this is for next issue:

I'd be very happy that someone from u-w gets to publish the forums
news in the UWN.

The Tutorial of the Month was formerly Tutorial of the Week. The
project was created by K.Mandla (a former mod at UF) who is now
"retired" after having moved to other projects. He is still active on
the forums. Then matthew took care of it for a while, and I have been
for about a year now, with a big break. We discussed the focus of the
Tutorials among the Staff
and decided that a Tutorial of the Month would be a better release
schedule. We usually discuss the tutorials to pick among Staff,
unfortunately these discussions are not public in the Staff area. Then
I post the Staff choice in a closed thread:

I would appreciate some help reviewing all the threads. I have already
offered the community to make suggestions, with not much success. I
think they enjoy to discover what we have chosen :)

Ideally, someone from u-w who is also a forums member would be best,
but that is not a requirement. No particular knowledge is needed,
other than getting your hands into moin, having a wiki account, and
being able to discuss the choice of the tutorial. Someone willing to
dive into a fun ubuntu project, give some time and contribute to UWN
would be perfect.



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