[UbuntuWomen] Team Member Introduction

Amber Graner akgraner at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 16:01:00 UTC 2010

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:41 AM, info@ tinym.com <web at tinym.com> wrote:

> Hello group,
> I joined the Ubuntu Women group a year or so ago.  I've yet to be polite
> and introduce myself.  I'll be doing that now...
> I'm a web developer for a commercial printer & I occasionally freelance.  I
> never ever would have thought I had a future in tech.  I learned simple
> commands in BASIC when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade (I was no good at it).  We
> were one of the few schools in the area that had a computer lab filled with
> new Apple IIs.  Since then I grew up & got married.  I was really excited
> when I first read about this free operating system called Linux (in the
> early 2000s).  I've been following the Ubuntu project since I first read
> about it.  I've ordered a stack of live CDs.  I've installed a few dual boot
> systems and even busted a hard drive or two whilst learning.  Our children
> can easily use Windows or Linux.  They love the Tux games.  Racing & Paint
> were favorites for a long time.
> During my early years of marriage I was interested in learning some kind of
> computer programming but knew only of Visual Basic but training was just too
> expensive.  I eventually discovered Open Source Software (early 2000s
> again).  It gave me the opportunity to use & learn for free.  I've wanted to
> give back to the community ever since.  I currently use a lot of Open Source
> software.  Some of my favorites are firefox, filezilla, wordpress, php &
> mysql, gnu gimp, open office.org & xampp.
> Thanks for the opportunity!


I hope you are enjoying the project so far!  Thank you for choosing to be
part of the project and taking time to introduce yourself to the team.
 Please let us know if you have comments, concerns, or suggestions for
improvement or if there is an area you want work on within the Ubuntu Women
Project or the Ubuntu Community.

Thank you, again and welcome. welcome, welcome!


> Michelle
> http://tinym.com
> https://launchpad.net/~tinym <https://launchpad.net/%7Etinym>
> --
> Ubuntu-Women mailing list
> Ubuntu-Women at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-women

Amber Graner//akgraner//

Just me Amber.

There are lots of Linux users who don't care how the kernel works, but only
want to use it. That is a tribute to how good Linux is.
Linus Torvalds
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