[UbuntuWomen] Team Member Introduction

info@ tinym.com web at tinym.com
Thu Apr 8 15:41:33 UTC 2010

Hello group,

I joined the Ubuntu Women group a year or so ago.  I've yet to be polite and
introduce myself.  I'll be doing that now...

I'm a web developer for a commercial printer & I occasionally freelance.  I
never ever would have thought I had a future in tech.  I learned simple
commands in BASIC when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade (I was no good at it).  We
were one of the few schools in the area that had a computer lab filled with
new Apple IIs.  Since then I grew up & got married.  I was really excited
when I first read about this free operating system called Linux (in the
early 2000s).  I've been following the Ubuntu project since I first read
about it.  I've ordered a stack of live CDs.  I've installed a few dual boot
systems and even busted a hard drive or two whilst learning.  Our children
can easily use Windows or Linux.  They love the Tux games.  Racing & Paint
were favorites for a long time.

During my early years of marriage I was interested in learning some kind of
computer programming but knew only of Visual Basic but training was just too
expensive.  I eventually discovered Open Source Software (early 2000s
again).  It gave me the opportunity to use & learn for free.  I've wanted to
give back to the community ever since.  I currently use a lot of Open Source
software.  Some of my favorites are firefox, filezilla, wordpress, php &
mysql, gnu gimp, open office.org & xampp.

Thanks for the opportunity!

https://launchpad.net/~tinym <https://launchpad.net/%7Etinym>
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