[UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu Women Sessions for Ubuntu Open Week

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 5 13:32:45 UTC 2009

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 6:42 AM, Lucy <lucybridges at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just to add to/expand on this. I've found that often people don't
> realise that what is acceptable in some circumstances isn't acceptable
> in others; the example being conferences or other situations where
> there is a male majority and the speaker discusses something vaguely
> sexual, which may not normally make most women uncomfortable, but
> because of the inequality of the situation makes the women in the room
> feel rather exposed. It's scary being the odd one out in a room of 50+
> people!

Thanks Lucy! You've put into words this discomfort, feeling "exposed"
and the idea that for some it's "scary being the odd one out" is
precisely the issue.

> I think sometimes it's necessary to apply a weighting to an issue,
> where inequality gives a higher weighting, meaning that
> small/insignificant issues become big as a result. I'm not sure I've
> phrased that well, does it make sense?

Absolutely, when you're already feeling like a minority, every
"little" thing that reminds you is just that much more

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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