[UbuntuWomen] Getting Invovled in Security for Ubuntu?

Jamesha Fisher jamfish728 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 02:23:54 UTC 2009


I'm a first time poster, long time lurker. Today, I just graduated with a
Bachelor's in Computer Security(it has a different name, but it's kind of a
mouthful). However, with the recent economic downturn, I really don't have
an opportunity yet where I can add on to my talents with the badly needed
experience. I wanted to know if there's anyway I can get involved in Ubuntu
Security Team. I'd really appreciate any responses, I believe I could
contribute as well as learn a lot from being invovled in this team. I know
this isn't the place I should be asking, but I really don't know where else.


Jamesha "JamFish" Fisher
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