[UbuntuWomen] New Ubuntu Members: Congratulations Leigh Honeywell and Laura Czajkowski!

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 7 20:31:04 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Just a quick note to congratulate Leigh Honeywell and Laura Czajkowski
on recently becoming Ubuntu Members!

Leigh Honeywell

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/hypa7ia https://launchpad.net/~hypa7ia

Leigh has been a part of the Ubuntu community since 5.10, supporting
users and advocating Ubuntu on IRC and offline through her work with
HackLabTO. She has also been a very helpful and supportive member of
the Ubuntu Women team.

And a personal thanks from me for her work and participation in the
#ubuntu-women channel :)

Laura Czajkowski

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/czajkowski https://launchpad.net/~laura-lczajkowski

Laura is involved in the running and helping to organize events for
the ubuntu-ie LoCo in Dublin with the rest of the community. She's
been invovled with the LoCo since she moved to Dublin in January 2008,
taking part in face to face meets up and giving a hand at the drop in
centre.  She'd been involved in her computer society back home in the
University of Limerick with Skynet and been running events there for
quite some time. She's also been very involved in a variety of female
geek-oriented events!

And as a side note, Laura is featured in our Full Circle Magazine
Interview column[0] this month, I'll be sure to drop a note to the
list when it is released :)

[0] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Interviews


Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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