[UbuntuWomen] OFFTOPIC : UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize/ Asia Pacific Rice Film Award 2008

Yolynne Medina yolynne at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 05:30:26 UTC 2009


Inviting member states, regional and international organisations, and
professional and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the
field of journalism and freedom of expression to nominate candidates for
the UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize. The US$25,000 award honours a
journalist or organisation that has made a notable contribution to the
defence and promotion of press freedom anywhere in the world, especially
if this involved risk. The prize is awarded every year on World Press
Freedom Day.
Deadline: January 31 2009

Asia Pacific Rice Film Award 2008
Inviting filmmakers and new media artists across the Asia Pacific region
to enter their audio-visual creations for this award recognising
excellence in films on rice-related issues. Presented by Pesticide
Action Network Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP), TVE Asia Pacific (TVEAP),
and Public Media Agency (PMA) of Malaysia, the competition is open to
both fictional and factual films on the theme of Asia's rice heritage
and the threats it faces in this era of globalisation.
Deadline: January 31 2009

Nurul Alam Masud
Chief Executive

Participatory Research & Action Network-PRAN
House # 05, Road # 30
Maijdee Housing Estate, Maijdee Noakhali.
Phone : +88 0321 61920, Fax: +880 321 62236

Cell  : +88 01727 231722

E-mail : info at pran-bd.org, pranbd at bttb.net.bd


Before printing, think about the environment!


Center OIC for ELearning Centre Inc. :
Networking Specialist for IOSN ASEAN+3 :  http://www.iosn.net
Personal Blog :  http://yolynne.wordpress.com
"Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would not want to do
it any other way " - Yogi Desai
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