[UbuntuWomen] WKOW News story on young woman missing classes due to Ubuntu being shipped on her Dell
vid at svaksha.com
Fri Jan 16 20:19:53 UTC 2009
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 1:38 AM, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Then today someone in a channel I'm in brought it up again today,
> posting some 3rd party link and saying "That person should be given
> the Darwin award for stupidity"
Some of the comments on /. and digg were mean but worse was someone
taking the trouble to post her linkedin profile. To me that seems like
stalking and meanness rolled together.
> Very sad, not even because it was a woman featured in this story
> (gender actually is irrelevant), but that so many Ubuntu users chose
> to strike out in such an abusive and hateful way.
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