[UbuntuWomen] Is it so strange for a woman to use linux?

Kathryn crunchyfroggie at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 01:29:20 UTC 2008

Should that be Yoda and Obi Wan?  (I have a feeling someone will be
dying to correct my horrific error... haha)

On 04/03/2008, Kathryn <crunchyfroggie at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think this issue of "women and Linux" can actually be separated into
> two issues:
> (1) Encouraging women (and men) to become actively involved in
> computing (if they aren't already)
> (2) Encouraging women (and men) to embrace Linux and give it a go
> In my opinion, addressing point (1) above will almost negate the
> second.  Dell are now offering users an Ubuntu system with their
> computer purchase, and apparently ASUS is heading in the same
> direction.  It's just a matter of giving people a taste of Ubuntu, and
> they'll discover that Linux is accessible, visually appealing and a
> joy to use.  Women who are already inclined to more advanced computing
> will easily make the switch to Linux, and Ubuntu now makes it possible
> to introduce basic end-users (who simply browse the net, check email
> and maybe print on their home wireless network).
> I was given the opportunity to play with computers in an informal
> sense from the age of about 8, and I had a natural willingness to
> "fiddle" with all the computers I could get my hands on (although I
> had a fairly strong sense of what my limits were, so I never created
> any problems I couldn't undo).  I learn(ed) a lot from just exploring
> every single detail of the operating systems (Windows 3.1 through to
> Ubuntu).   If you can foster that sense of discovery in youngsters
> (and adults who are keen to try something new), you've nearly won the
> battle.
> Among the few friends of mine who use Linux (we're mostly Biomedical
> Science graduates who have gone on to further study - e.g. medicine,
> PhD) it seems to be a matter of "Yoda & Luke" - everyone is brought
> into the Linux movement by an experienced user who shows them the way.
>  I was offered a taste of SuSE/KDE by a male friend a few years ago,
> and I immediately loved using Linux but the user interface didn't
> impress me and I found a few tasks pointlessly difficult (e.g.
> unmounting a USB key).  I wasn't worried by use of command line, or
> the various tweaks we had to make, but the standard of "daily
> usability" wasn't there.  Ubuntu changed all of that, and now my
> personal computers boot to Ubuntu by default... I reluctantly swap to
> Windows for uni software that is Windows-only.
> I don't believe it is *at all* strange for a woman to use Linux.  I'm
> currently in the process of persuading my parents to ditch Windows and
> use Ubuntu, since all they do is browse the net, check their gmail
> accounts, and print via our wireless home network (I've configured
> Ubuntu to play nicely with the network printer).  My dad is keen to
> make the change, since he really hates the incessant popups and
> interference from the over-vigilant anti-virus/spyware/firewall that
> Windows requires.  Dad also never felt "at home" with Windows, so I
> guess he figures he won't lose anything by trying Linux.  My mum seems
> to have built a mental hurdle for herself - "I've got the hang of
> Windows, that's enough" - but I am sure that if I could only encourage
> her to *try* it that she'd enjoy Ubuntu.
> It's a matter of breaking down that mental barrier for women - and
> men.  Crack that chestnut of a problem, and we're set. :-)

Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about
(Oscar Wilde)

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