[UbuntuWomen] Is it so strange for a woman to use linux?

Silvia Bindelli silvia.bindelli at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 23:01:35 UTC 2008

Il Monday 03 March 2008 23:31:27 Emma Jane Hogbin ha scritto:
> Silvia Bindelli wrote:
> > Well, I said "ah". I really don't know if I have to be "proud" of this,
> > or what else....any ideas?
> I think many people don't realize how "easy" it has become to install
> and use many of the Linux distros today. (Insert long rambling story
> here about having to patch and compile my own kernel six years ago. We
> know times have changed but others might not.) They are probably basing
> the comment on their experience using Unix/mainframe computers when they
> were an undergrad student and you had to understand LPR just to print in
> the computer lab.
> Even if it is easier to install Linux these days I would definitely take
> the comment as a compliment! It still takes some effort to download and
> install (the right distro of) Linux. The fact that you've thought about
> the tools you want to use and opted to use something non-standard is
> very cool!

Thank you!

> Is it possible to turn the comment into an advocacy/outreach for
> GNU/Linux software?

Well, I think it already is so. What sounds a little strange to me is that my 
male classmates are using linux too, but noone seems surprised about that.

> Is there a common workspace for the group? Would 
> they be interested in having Linux installed on one of the shared
> computers?

PhD students work on their own laptops, while in most labs in my university 
linux has already been installed and used fo didactical purposes since when I 
was on my first year at bachelor (5 years ago).

Thank you for your answer :-)


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