[UbuntuWomen] Off Topic..

Nathalie Colina nathalie at ubuntu.org.ve
Tue Jul 22 02:16:15 UTC 2008

Sorry for this off-topic.. many already know what it is related about:
Nerissa Aguilera (http://nagui1008.blogspot.com/) , Active member of
the Software Libre Comunity (Venezuela),
 Leader of the ActivistasXSL (http://www.activistasxsl.org.ve/) (for
those who dont know what it is).
Has been nominated on the "Mujer Estampas" magazine, the idea of this
is to invest the prize, in a project where she's also the leader,
called "Mundo Accesible" (Accesible World)
(http://mundoaccesible.org.ve/index.php?title=Portada), Since its a
good cause,

i would like to ask you all for the colaboration:
(Remember *Nerissa Aguilera*)

PD: Again, excuse me for the offtopic... but to me has alot of
importance, dont flame me for this :P

Lic. Nathalie Colina
Linux User # 352759
UBUNTU User #7211
Punto Fijo - Venezuela
"Humanidad hacia otros"
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