[UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu Live Proposals

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane at xtrinsic.com
Thu Jan 24 19:36:06 UTC 2008

Good afternoon,

A quick reminder: The Ubuntu Live proposals are due in just under two
weeks. Unfortunately Allison Randall's SCALE presentation is happening
AFTER the deadline.

This talk is a practical guide to the art of giving technical talks at
conferences. It covers the full range of skills involved, from selecting
a topic (not just a weekend task, but a way of life), to writing the
proposal and bio, to presentation tips and techniques. The focus of the
talk is making it easier for women curious about or actively seeking to
begin speaking at conferences, helping them avoid common newbie errors,
and sharing the perspective of things I've learned over the years.
Experienced speakers in the audience will have the opportunity to share
their own tips.

Does anyone know Allison well enough to ask her for a sneak peak of her
presentation for the UW list?

My own submission is talking about a partnership with my LUG and a local
charity to distribute recycled computers with Ubuntu to students in
need. What will your proposal be about?

We should also talk about submitting a panel discussion of UW members...


Emma Jane Hogbin, B.Sc.
Founder, xtrinsic
phone: (519) 371-2665
web: www.xtrinsic.com

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