[UbuntuWomen] An idea on how to get women from the list involved

Emma Jane Hogbin emmajane at xtrinsic.com
Mon Jan 14 16:50:08 UTC 2008

Tricia Bowen wrote:
> As a woman trying to get involved in the Ubuntu project, it would be
> helpful to see some job requests posted to the list and to hear what
> projects the ubuntu-women (and men) members contribute towards. Jobs
> request would be specific, like "Wanted: Graphic Designer for Child's
> Play", or "Wanted: Programmer php/mysql". This would reduce the digging
> around time and the feeling that to contribute to a project you would
> have to break into a group of men and get to know them in order to find
> out what was needed on the project.

I agree there is a LOT going on and it can be difficult to find one
thing to do... I've noticed that different projects ask for help in
different ways. Would it help if each of the projects had a standard
formula for "help wanted"? The Community/Get Involved page on Ubuntu.com
is an excellent start, but I agree it seems to be missing a step. How do
you think this could be improved?

For some projects there's not really a list of tasks for new
comers...for example: the documentation team lets new contributors
identify which areas they know most about and then they give them some
documents to review. From the Get Involved page it's only two clicks to
"Getting Started" and a list of tasks. Of course I expect documentation
authors to be especially good at giving instructions. ;)

Other entry-level opportunities exist at the forum [2], the Q&A on
launchpad [3] and bug fixing [4] if you are able to provide "basic" support.

I look forward to hearing your ideas!


[1] http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate
[2] http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/webforums
[3] https://answers.launchpad.net/
[4] https://bugs.launchpad.net/

Emma Jane Hogbin, B.Sc.
Founder, xtrinsic
phone: (519) 371-2665
web: www.xtrinsic.com

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