[UbuntuWomen] Introducing myself!

Miriam Ruiz little.miry at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 09:55:40 UTC 2008

2008/4/28 Lesley King <lesley.king at freeuk.com>:
> Hello!

Hi Lesley!

>  I have just subscribed to this mailing list and am sending this email to
>  introduce myself.

Welcome :)

>  I have used Linux for many years on my home PC as my husband is a kernel
>  hacker who now works for Canonical. I have used Ubuntu for the past year
>  and have been very impressed with how easy it is for a non-techie like
>  myself to use.
>  I am a primary school governor and am particularly interested in seeing
>  open source software being used in education.

I'm mostly involved with games, and I'm very interested in children
and educational stuff. I'm also currently developing a system of
rating games [1], that will hopefully make its way to Debian and
Ubuntu soon. It would be really great to have constructive criticism
from someone who works with children, so if you feel like giving me a
helping hand, your opinion would be really appreciated. In fact it
would be great to have feedback from people belonging to different
cultural backgrounds than me (I'm from Spain, Europe) to make it
somehow as intercultural as possible.

>  I look forward to being part of this group!

You're part of it now :)


[1] http://wiki.debian.org/OpenRating
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/OpenRating/Categories

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