[UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu4girls projetc (Cristina Ingram)

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Sun Sep 30 23:13:59 UTC 2007

Op zondag 30-09-2007 om 11:10 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Cristina
> It is not immoral or detrimental to anyone if we don't like pink or
> don't want to be what has been determined by man as "girl".

Your implying "men have determined that girls must like pink" here is as
bad a generalisation as someone saying "girls like pink"...  ;-)

I think you didn't mean it like that, but it shows how easily such
generalisations are used, even "by accident" (it happens to me too, and
to everybody else).

Now, until 50-100 years ago, in the USA pink was considered a boy's
colour and inappropriate ("too aggressive") for girls.  This changed
under the influence of European (French?) fashion magazines, where pink
was used as a girl's colour.  I guess (but I can be wrong) that back
then those magazines were mostly read by women, so then it would also be
most likely women who implemented the idea that "pink=girly" into the

Sometimes, it's quite interesting to see how & why such cultural
preferences develop and change over history...

Jan Claeys

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