[UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu4girls projetc

Caroline Ford caroline.ford.work at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 28 15:25:18 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 20:50 +1000, Sarah Hobbs wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Elizabeth Bevilacqua wrote:
> > Mariwal,
> > 
> > Please join the ubuntu-women mailing list if you wish to discuss this
> > further, I have included the list on this email.
> > 
> > According to your launchpad page[0] for this project:
> > 
> >    "This is a custom Ubuntu package for gilrs, All things that girls want:
> >     conpiz-fusion, beautifull wallpapers, xscreesaver, etc.
> > 
> >    Please, Add: beautifull wallpapers, themes, pink and rose things, Usplash
> >    whit flowers, Sound Packages, etc. All things that girls want. To get
> >    involved, just help me to make these things above and make a Live "pink"
> >    Ubuntu CD. Thank You. Mariwal"
> > 
> You missed the section on how it would have lots of barbie/brats-related
> doll stuff with it, my little pony, etc...This is mandatory, if you wish
> to target ubuntu to 6 year olds.  If you wish to market to young girls,
> you need to properly understand your audience.
> And it's utter discrimination to not offer a action-packed ubuntu with
> figurines, and male branding, to attract young boys into using Ubuntu!
> But would 6 year olds really be using their own operating system anyway?
> Hobbsee


I have just bought a new mobile phone - the first shop I went to only
had phones in pink. Naturally I went somewhere else..


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