[UbuntuWomen] working for standards

Romana Branden timelady at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 06:13:36 UTC 2007


This is an excellent article by Lauren Wood, a senior technical
program manager at Sun Microsystems, concentrating on projects
involving identity and privacy in the web world.

It is relevant not only for women in such roles, or thinking of such
roles, but an excellent and thought provoking look at the types of
people on standards committees, and the successful mixes of such
committees. I personally think the ideas on makeup of committees is
valid for many types of working groups.

"Standards have been an important part of my career for some years
now. I've served on—and chaired—technical committees in a number of
industry consortia (W3C, OASIS, IETF, and Liberty Alliance). Standards
are important in technology: using them brings benefits to go along
with the costs, even though, as the old cliché says, "The good thing
about standards is there are so many from which to choose." "

Thanks to Janet for sending my way:)

   -o)    Romana Branden
     /\ \   Nothing - well, thats something.
  _\_V   http://timelady.com/blog/

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