[UbuntuWomen] This link should make everyone happy

Susana Pereira susana.pereira at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 22:01:39 UTC 2007

Hi Jen,

He made his post on his personal blog I don't think you should let this
influence your opinion on such a big company, his blog represents his
opinion not his company's.

Although I find that post totally stupid I don't think that trying to
get people fired is the way to go. We should focus our energies on doing
productive things.



Sex, 2007-09-07 às 13:51 -0700, Jennifer Redman escreveu:
>         At least some of the comments were good.
> And it fell of the hot-list pretty quickly, both good things.
> However, these sorts of posts should have ramifications particularly
> when  the poster is an employee of an organization like Accenture: 
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/jonholato
> Which claims as one of its values (from the Accenture Webpage):
> Respect for the Individual
> Valuing diversity, ensuring an interesting and
> inclusive environment and treating people as
> we would like to be treated ourselves. 
> The Chief Human Resources Officer at Accenture is:
> http://www.accenture.com/Global/About_Accenture/Company_Overview/Executive_Leadership/JillBSmart.htm
> Here is her email:  jill.b.smart at accenture.com
> note:  If you do email her,  remember to be polite and business-like. 
> At some point all of us has the potential to be in a position to
> determine whether or not to hire a company like Accenture for
> consulting.
> Jen

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