[UbuntuWomen] ubuntu-women Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1

annie miller techknowmama at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 04:40:50 UTC 2007

I am at the opposite end of the spectrum as  Cristina, I Love hair, makeup,
nails, clothing and the color pink!  I still spend way more on electronic
gadgets/computer, video games and my motorcycle.
Would I be offended if someone assumed I liked or didn't like something
based solely on the fact I am female? Heck Yes!!
I am just as offended when someone assumes that I wouldn't be into
hair makeup and cloths because I am into computers, video games and
motorcycles or vise verse.

 more men young and old  are starting to be into hair, makeup and pink, and
more women are into electronics, cars and computers, so maybe  their is hope
that we can do away with these silly stereo types once and for all!

I personally would love a pink themed Ubuntu (make that KUbuntu) but so
would my son-inlaw, and
I aplaude anyone wishing to encourage young women and girls to get into
computers and the open source pink or not.
 when trying to get my daughters into open source, I chose applications I
knew the would find useful and would like, and showed them how to change the
colors and other style aspects to make it reflect their own style

Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 11:10:50 -0700
From: "Cristina Ingram" <compscicris at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu4girls projetc (Cristina Ingram)
To: ubuntu-women at lists.ubuntu.com
       <855539b40709301110h299f0545i47b3eaae96dca341 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I am offended when someone assumes I like pink.  I have a blue phone and
bought covers for it in black and one in purple.  I am female but I like
other colors, but not pink.  I am not into hair, nails and clothing.  I find
that to be a waste of time and money I could be spending on my
gadget/computer fetish.  Just because I am female, doesn't mean I have to
like what society tells me to like because I am female.  It is not immoral
or detrimental to anyone if we don't like pink or don't want to be what has
been determined by man as "girl".  We females are as diverse as men.  I had
a male friend at the university who used a pink backpack and an auto
instructor I knew wore a pink shirt.  They are both clearly heterosexual and
sure of themselves.

I too am sure of myself and I wear dark colors from black to brick.  I am a
heterosexual woman.  I were comfortable shoes and usually they are men's
because they don't make women's shoes for comfort and durability.   I am not
into pain and suffering so I can feel sexy, loved and female.  I am not
interested in wearing makeup and I am not interested in wearing the latest
hairstyle.  What I am interested in is technology and how it can be used to
make life better for all.
Cristina Ingram

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