[UbuntuWomen] Introduction

Miriam Ruiz little.miry at gmail.com
Mon May 28 14:59:08 UTC 2007

2007/5/28, Anne S <anne.sorsa at pp4.inet.fi>:
> Greetings,

Hi! :)

I have reading this mailing list few weeks now and I think that I
> should  introduce my self :)

Welcome on board!!

My name is Anne Sorsa, I live in Finland (Northern Karelia). My passion
> are computers,  alternative operation systems like Linux. Maybe
> alternative is not right word to describe that, but in this world
> Microsoft is still mainstream :( Which I hope to change soon
> ;) How I become interested in Linux? First I try to find a cheap
> computer and then I noticed that MS Windows is unstable and boring (and
> expensive!). It was few years ago and then there was few articles about
> Linus Torvalds and operating system called Linux. So, I decided to try
> it and I have been addicted ever since. Most of my time spend with
> computers or with my family. I'm also very interested in possibilities
> to recycling of computers and components, how we could use these again.
> Today in our world we buy things, use it a while and then throw it a
> way. That is not very economical or ecological either. I use Ubuntu 7.04
> and Debian 4.0. I am a member of LinuxChix, i18-mentor group and I have
> join Debian-Women and Ubuntu-Women just recently.
> Because I don't have skills to build websites or programming, yet. I
> think that participate to translation- or documentation project would be
> easier way to me to contribute.

You're really welcome to participate, I'm pretty sure that the teams dealing
with documentation and translation will be really glad to count with your
help :) Or, if you ever become interested in any other part of Debian, or
Ubuntu, I'm pretty sure you'll find a lot of help to join :)

Welcome to Debian Women (And I'm pretty sure to talk for Ubuntu Women here
too) :)

Take care,
> Anne

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