[UbuntuWomen] Making Ubuntu-for-all _work_

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Mon May 21 19:15:52 UTC 2007

Op dinsdag 22-05-2007 om 00:12 uur [tijdzone +1000], schreef Jacinta
> Here's a question that's been bothering me.  By and large, most men in FOSS 
> appear to be happy with the status quo, despite the fact that it keeps female 
> participation at about 1.5%.

I think you're wrong here.

I think it's more that nobody (really) knows how to "fix" the low female
participation rate.

> 	Beyond banning persistent offenders from various parts (or the whole) of
> 	the project are there other consequences that can be invoked?  For
> 	example, is there a way we can make examples of those who misbehave
> 	(hall of shame?) without making it a competition to get listed?

A "hall of shame" only works for those people who already want to
behave, and trolls will only see it as a trophy.  Don't go that way.

(In real life a hall of shame might work, but on the internet chances
are pretty small that relatives, acquaintances and other people who can
put _real_ pressure on them, will recognise them and see their "shame".)

Jan Claeys

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