[UbuntuWomen] questionnable stuff on french ubuntu planet

bapoumba bapoumba at gmail.com
Thu May 10 00:03:56 UTC 2007

Hi all :)

It's late here. I've been thinking this over during a translation night.
I need input.
I wrote a blog post and emailed Jono (I know you're busy, Jono),
regarding this blog post that appeared on http://planet.ubuntu-fr.org

Basically, from the blog: a new idea for a sexy decoration on your CDs.
Comments are usual, a couple saying its stupid, most of them its humor,
or nice. I can translate if you do not read french.

Here is my blog post, I did not feed it into planet ubuntu-women or
planet ubuntu-users, and closed comments:
I did not want to stir old stories (I already had issues with the french
ubuntu community when I moderated a thread on the french forum, same
kind of picture, less clothes. I rarely not go there now, I stepped down
from moderation, partly due to what happened).

What can we do ? Can we have it removed from the french planet in some
way ?
This is completely about women representations in Ubuntu community. And
what we accept, what we do not. I did not do anything on my own, but the
blog post and emailing Jono. I'm not afraid of fighting, I've already
done it, can do it again. But I think a collective action would be far
more valuable.

Thanks for reading,


bapoumba <bapoumba at gmail.com>

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