[UbuntuWomen] Ubuntu, women and artwork...

Donna Metzlar donna at genderchangers.org
Thu May 3 14:45:55 UTC 2007

If you do a Google image search for "ubuntu" the first hit (for me in any
case) is another bad taste image.


I was made aware of this image about two years ago, by someone on another
mailinglist I'm on, and ended up having a huge argument with a few of the
men on the list who didn't find it at all offensive.


Vid Ayer wrote:
> Does Ubuntu need such artwork[1] ?  Its probably someone's idea of a
> joke and is in poor taste but it has the Ubuntu logo and looks
> official for an older version.
> I would definitely *not* use (forget volunteering) Ubuntu in the first
> place if that was used to anywhere in the Ubuntu community or promote
> the OS.
> [1]
> http://bp1.blogger.com/_vPl4ID4L64Q/Rie68NCY33I/AAAAAAAAACU/1wTqKIr0whg/s1600-h/ubuntu_5-1.11.jpg
> --
> Vid
> --
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