[UbuntuWomen] Some will never learn...

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 13:59:23 UTC 2007

On 3/27/07, Myriam Schweingruber <schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch> wrote:
> Le Mardi, 27. Mars 2007, June Bug a écrit:
> > Hi Myriam... dont let this affect you so much! Just ignore the nasty
> > person. We all have faced such kind of a thing in our lives some or the
> > other point of life. I talk from experience! I've had virtual
> starlkers...
> > they make your life hell. Easiest way is to ignore them. Report you must
> to
> > the list admin but dont take the pains of actually worrying yourself to
> > death about it. Some never learn, indeed.. they never will.
> Oh but I know this, I'm in IT since 20+ years and should be used to it. It
> just disturbed me so much because this mail came because of me posting on
> a
> Ubuntu mailinglist.
> Please folks, I dont need advice how to handle this sort of people, I
> probably
> recived more of this sort of mail in the past than most of you, be
> assured.
> I'm just plain angry, main reason for my post, so dont advice, just
> support.
> I will certainly not keep my mouth shut and take action, contrary to some
> of
> you I don't think this should simply be ignored, because it will continue
> and
> this has to stop one day. I want to be able to do my work without such
> crap,
> so ignoring it is not the solution.
> Greets, Myriam

I think the Ubuntu code of conduct should be updated with the following

1. Don't PM the Ubuntu members specially the opposite sex asking their age,
their pictures, marital status
and the usual crap, because they are crossing the line by doing so, and
subjected to be expelled from the
Ubuntu community.

2. Don't even be interested on the opposite sex because that's crap.

Sounds good?

MAILING-LIST SEND: boom!! I'm immortalize!
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