[UbuntuWomen] Some will never learn...

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Tue Mar 27 12:03:37 UTC 2007

On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 01:17:57PM +0200, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> I will certainly not keep my mouth shut and take action, contrary to some of 
> you I don't think this should simply be ignored, because it will continue and 
> this has to stop one day. I want to be able to do my work without such crap, 
> so ignoring it is not the solution.

I absolutely agree.

While I don't believe it should be our job to police and report these
people all the time (sometimes we just want to spend our time
contributing to the project!). I do think it's important that rather
than hitting that delete key in email or putting someone on ignore in
IRC every time that we do stop and say something about it sometimes.

The terrible thing about our ignoring it all is while we're toughening
our skin and ignoring these people, another woman walked away from
Ubuntu and nixternal and Matt Good haven't a clue why.

I really like that Myriam posted here. While I don't want to see this
list turn into a forum for complaints, I would like to see more women
step forward and tell us on the list when things like this happen. In
one way it validates our presence here for those who are still
unconvinced, and in another way we can let off steam to people who


Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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