Yolynne Medina yolynne at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 23:52:39 UTC 2007

An early beta release (version 0.2) of the UbuntuME is available for
download at http://www.ubuntume.com for testing purposes.  UbuntuME
stands for Ubuntu Muslim Edition. Ubuntu Muslim Edition is a free,
open source operating system based on the popular Ubuntu Linux.

Ubuntu Muslim Edition customize the Ubuntu distro by installing
islamic softwares (prayer times, Quran study tool, Arabic learning
software etc.) and by changing its "look".

Link to:  http://www.ubuntume.com

"I want to be part of the Salt of the earth"
yahoo messenger : yolynne.rm
google talk: yolynne
skype: ynmedina
Mobile: +639062199524
irc (server: irc.freenode.net #iosn, #ubuntu-ph, #ubuntu-women) nick:
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