[UbuntuWomen] Today's IRC meeting reflected on the Fridge

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Sun Jun 3 03:46:48 UTC 2007


I just updated the fridge[0] and our wiki[1] to reflect the meeting for today.

[0] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1004
[1] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events

We also have a node for the Ubuntu-forums so if you want to talk about
any event there we can publicise it on the Fridge. Some Fridge editors
are subscribed to this list and they hangout on our IRC channel, so
feel free to poke them anytime.

Another thought... why dont we keep the first (saturday or sunday) and
the last (saturday or sunday) of the month as fixed dates for the
monthly meets and rotate the timings randomly, so people from all
timezones can make it.

Comments ?

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