[UbuntuWomen] IRC Meetup TODAY!

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at princessleia.com
Thu Jan 11 11:35:57 UTC 2007

Just a quick reminder to let everyone know that our IRC Meetup is today:

Thursday January 11, 2007 and into Friday the 12th. Two specific times
set aside to try to accommodate different timezones and be a starting

      15:00 UTC, Thursday, 11 January 2007  (3 PM London)

      03:00 UTC, Friday, 12 January 2007 (3 AM London)

Just log onto irc.freenode.net and /join #ubuntu-women

Of course since it's IRC you can drop in at any time :)

More details about the meeting and how to get on IRC here:


I won't be able to make it for the first session due to time zone issues
(I'll be at work), but I will be around for the second.

Hope to see you there!


Elizabeth Bevilacqua // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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